7 Classic Beauty Trends that are Making a Comeback
It's not your mother's beauty treatment... or maybe it is. And that's great! Vintage beauty fads aren't just time-tested, they also deliver all the glamour of the 60s and 70s directly to your daily self-care routine. You don't need a time machine to have the elegant confidence of Audrey Hepburn, the lips of Brigitte Bardot, or the hair of Farah Fawcett. Indulge yourself with one of these seven luscious classic tips:
1. Cat Eyeliner
Don't just settle for basic winged liner. The dramatic Cat Eye look of the 60s deserves comeback. While basic winged liner often goes for a simple, clean look, the vintage Cat Eye look goes for a bold, black line that frames your face with gorgeous doe eyes.
2. Teased Hair
It used to be cool to make fun of the 60s bouffant or your mom's yearbook photos. But enhancing your hairstyle with special teasing brushes and sprays can give you the lush volume you want without the damaging effects of extensions.
3. Face Masks
The busy housewife in her slippers, robe, and a green face mask used to be a running joke on television. But with the recent boom in skincare and face treatments, moisturizing and revivifying masks are hotter than ever. Treat your skin to a renewing cream or clay mask with all-natural ingredients like cucumber, nourishing oils, or even royal bee jelly.
4. Bath Oils
Don't just stop at the face. Bath bombs, oils, and soaks sales are booming too. Your body deserves just as much pampering. Bath treatments can relax the muscles while making skin soft, moisturized, and gorgeously scented. A healthy bath treatment lets you carry a natural glow all day.
5. Foot Peels
Feet looking a little tired? Exchange your cracked, dry feet for a soft, fresh look with a classic foot peel treatment. No need to invest money in a salon trip. Effective, relaxing foot peels are now easily available to purchase online and can be done at home in just an hour. Give your manicure a little boost this week!
6. Full Natural Eyebrows
Full brows have been making a comeback in the last five years as women embrace their natural beauty instead of painful plucking. Letting your brows grow out won't just cover up embarrassing old plucking mistakes. It's also healthier for the skin and great for framing your face with its natural angles.
7. Paraffin Wax Treatments
Paraffin wax treatments are your mother's best beauty secret. Paraffin wax is a healthy, all-natural moisturizer for silky, smooth skin that avoids the damaging chemicals found in other products. Not only is it luxurious and beautifying, it's also healthy and affordable. It's great for relaxation and has healing medical benefits like arthritis relief. It's the ultimate fad our mothers forgot to pass on.
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